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  1. Add a selectable duration for the Alarm.

  2. [Stat] Average of new listening time by day / week

  3. Update downloaded episodes without backup  ·  declined

  4. Add casting support to Roku

  5. Don't replace the lock screen wallpaper  ·  declined

  6. Bookmark Export for ALL Podcasts (one-click)  ·  started

  7. Add a slider to adjust blurred artwork of the player background

  8. Allow a high priority podcast to take over what is "Now Playing".

  9. Playlist automatique de tous les épisodes à partir de l'épisode qu'on lance en lecture  ·  completed

  10. To add a total play time left on the play list

  11. Allow podcast-specific network setting override

  12. Have an option to add a podcast (not just an episode) to the playlist, and have PA automatically play the next episode of that podcast  ·  declined

  13. Pouvoir configurer en une fois tous les podcasts qui ont la meme priorité  ·  declined

  14. Make the 'NEXT/PREV' buttons function relative to current 'location'

  15. Add the ability to share episodes between Podcast Addict users  ·  declined

  16. Xavier, please make a radio app. We're stuck with the crappy ones that already exist  ·  declined

  17. SD Card location wrong after a full restore  ·  declined

  18. Would you add an option so that the "back edge swipe" in android takes you to the podcast subscription page?

  19. Separate download-stream-update permissions in Wi-Fi Filter

  20. PA now missing from android pull down list of active apps  ·  declined

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