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  2. Choose a different icon for Podcast Addict

    The app's syringe icon, with its reference to injection and drug addiction is off putting and unprofessional. A mainstream app needs to have a more professional and attractive icon.

    I have been put off installing podcast addict for some time solely because of its icon, despite a friend having recommended the app to me. This is a shame, because it seems to be a decent podcast app.

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  3. Don't rewind on resume

    When you resume playing a podcast after disconnecting and later reconnecting a bluetooth headset, the playback position rewinds a considerable time; sometimes about 30 minutes, sometimes to around the 15 minute mark. Annoying in a 4 hour episode!

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    Please open a ticket using the ‘Contact Support’ button in case of a bug.
    Can you please tell me which hardware you are using ? Looks like it might be a device with a MTK65xx CPU which has a severe bug. Those devices cannot resume from Playback using default Android APIs. You will have the same problem with every player app unless they developed a workaround for this specific hardware.

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    This website is to suggest new features or app improvement. In case of a bug you can open a ticket using the Contact support button. For questions please use the Contacts section of the app (Settings/Misc/Contacts)

    To delete all podcast, open the ‘Downloaded episodes’ Filter and select the delete all option in the menu. To delete a selection, use the menu ‘Action Mode’, then select the episodes you want to delete and press the delete button

  5. Automatic delete holds playlist progress

    I have a problem (Samsung Galaxy S4), if automatic delete option is enabled, and I'm listening to several items. When the screen is off, and the podcast comes to an end, and should delete it and move on to the next in the playlist - it just sits there. The moment I unlock the phone, file is deleted (I see the notification) and the next item starts normally. If I remember correctly, it worked fine in some of the earlier versions.

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    Please open a Ticket using the ‘Contact support’ button to report a bug. FYI nothing has been modified regarding playlist and episode deletion in the latest updates. Did you change devices or upgraded the Android version recently ?

  6. syncroniser podcasts lu et non lu entre plusieurs appareils

    Quand on utilise l'application sur plusieurs appareils on ne sait pas quels épisodes ont été lu sur l'autre appareil. Il faudrait que lorsque un épisode est lu sur un appareil, il sois marque comme lu sur l'autre appareil également.

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  7. Sync across multiple android devices

    Like pocket casts, maybe an option to sync feeds across multiple android device, eg. Smartphone and tablet.

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  8. Bugfix de fluidité pour podcastscience

    Le seul flux RSS pour lequel je comptais utiliser l'App fait terriblement ramer sa listview, au point de devenir inutilisable lorsqu'on veut un ancien épisode :

    Je pensais que c'était un problème général, mais il semble que les autres flux ne soient pas aussi lents.

    Problème constaté sur mes deux appareils : HTC Desire Z (Android 2.3.3, Snapdragon S2 800Mhz) et tablette Acer A210 (Android 4.1.1, Tegra 3)

    Un autre flux testé ( laggue un peu sur Snapdragon S2, mais ça reste bien plus utilisable.
    C'est nickel sur un Tegra3, par contre.

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  9. Really great app - love the full screen and auto updates. NPR Tiny Desk Concert video seems not supported as video will not play or show

    NRP Tiny Desk Concert Videos seem only ones that will not show video so suggest format support. Other podcast players support it but they are not as nice as Podcast Addict

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    Please open a ticket using the ‘Contact Support’ button if there’s an issue with the app.
    Also I’m not sure what the problem is.
    The Tiny Desk Concert feed provided within the app is an audio feed, so i’s OK to not have video.
    You can add the video feed using it’s URL and it should work. Unless you already did that and there’s an issue when trying to play the video.

    Please give me more information and the URL of the feeds you’re talking about.


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  11. télécharger les episodes non lus pour l ensemble des fils

    Le menu contextuel d un fil permet de telecharger tous les podcasts non lus. Ajouter une option pour pouvoir le faire en une fois sur tous les fils.

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    Tu peux déjà faire cela. Ouvres le Filtre ‘Tous les épisodes’ et dans le menu tu as l’option télécharger les épisodes non lus. Attention ça peut lancer BEAUCOUP de téléchargements. Tu as aussi cette option dans le Filtre ‘Derniers épisodes publiés’ qui affiche les épisodes publiés les 7 derniers jours

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  13. add feature to dequeue specific episodes from the playlist

    Iwould like to be able to dequeue podcasts from the playlist so I can listen to certain episodes.

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    You can already do this.
    From the playlist screen you can long press on an episode and select Dequeue. Or from a scren with a list of episodes (Downloadede episodes filter from example) enable the Action Mode in the menu. Then select episodes you want to dequeue and select the Dequeue action in the menu.

  14. Pagination Support

    I have many RSS feed podcast which gives only 100 items per page and link to the next 100 items. However in podcast Addict when I scroll down I can only see top 100 episodes not more than that. There is currently no way to see the items of subsequent pages.

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    Podcast Addict displays the full content of the RSS feed, not less, not more.
    In your case it means the RSS feed as been limited to the 1000 last episodes. Other app may server based, that’s why you might be able to retrieve older episodes. By server based I mean that they are not parsing the RSS feed in the app but on server side, while storing past episodes. The problem with this solution is that when the server is killed (like Google reader) apps based on this solution won’t work anymore.

  15. Latest update has a bug (Galaxy S3)

    Playlist reordering is messed up. It always grabs the one above where I click. It is impossible to drag the last item in the playlist. Seems like an off by one error.

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    Please open a ticket using the ‘Contact support’ button in case of a bug.
    Try clearing the playlist using its menu button, then repopulate it using its ‘Enqueue downloaded episodes’ menu. Are you still having an issue ?

  16. issue: phone gets hot when download enque and waiting for wifi

    I just noticed this that I has to restart my phone to avoid over heating. I had acted talks waiting for WiFi to be downloaded. I am running a carbon ROM 1.8(stable) on n7000 Samsung galaxy. Please look into it and keep up the good work

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    Please open a Ticket using the ‘Contact support’ button in case of a bug.
    Please add the following information in the Ticket:
    Did you check the cpu usage ? Are you sure it was Podcast Addict that was over heating the device ? Which version of the app are you using ?

  17. provide a menu to set individual podcasts to download automatically

    For some podcasts I will listen to every episode so automatic downloading would be handy, but for others I only listen to the occasional episode so downloading automatically would just be filling up space. It would be nice if there was an option in the subscription manager to toggle automatic downloads for each podcast separately.

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  18. 4 votes

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  19. delete a podcast automatically when read on order to save pmace

    When an épisode is read delete it automatically
    It would save place on my phone

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    Once an episode has been listen to it can be automatically deleted if you enabled the automatic deletion feature. Otherwise if you delete an episode it will also been marked as read. If you mark an episode as read, it will not be deleted.

    In case this isn’t exactly what you were talking about please tell me

  20. Ajouter une syncronisation muli-appareil

    Grâce a la nouvelle API de dropbox, cette fonctionnalité ne nécessite plus de serveur.
    Il est alors possible de synchroniser les données sur les podcast lu, la durée d'écoute et les abonnements.

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